16th September 2006
The Yankee agressor will never pull ythe skin over the eyes of the peoples of the DPRK with it's skinning ways. Cheney is at the end of Bush's chain and as such can only be the lap-dog of the links of that chain. The Cheney seeks to pre-empt the glorious DPRK but will only find empt and pre.
3rd June 2006 1041am
The Bush play a world leader game but in his game he ignore the DPRK and their glorious revolution in terms of the JUCHE concept of the DPRK People. To ignore the struggle of the people of the DPRK is to walk away from the sense. The DPRK People will not give way to the Yank with no sense.
3rd June 2006 1032am
The Bush is a fool.
3rd June 2006 1000am
The People of the DPRK will never be influenced by that the Western influence that will always come and come between the Peoples Of the DPRK which moves onwards knowing to resist the influence of the Yankee on the Peoples. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is that and the Yankee agressor will not change that if he wants to.The Peoples of the DPRK can see when American Yank change clothes and the DPRK citizen will know when that happen. The Yankee agressor may own a wardrobe, but the people of the DPRK realise he only own and keep war. The Bush already lose his drobe.The Yankee Bush cannot speak he is a Bush with no mouth or leaf.
3rd June 2006 0930am
I'm annoyed because I invited the Yank Christopher Hill to visit Pyongyang and he wouldn't come and see me. One day the Bush House will know that the people of the DPRK are the peoples in the world that need to be seen as the DPRK peoples, representing the true policy of the revolution. The US man Ambassador Christopher Hill will never shake the resolve or the hands of the self-sufficient DPRK and Hill is an idiot and servant insect to disprespect the will of the DPRK.That Hill will never climb over the spirit and resolve of the Peoples of the DPRK