Thursday, August 03, 2006


Today was a historic day when the Glorious Illustrious Leader Kim Jong Il , via the JUCHE concept and with the will of the glorious will of the armies of the DPRK, displayed on an international stage the true might and will of the missiles of the DPRK's missiles. The true blood of the revolution of the DPRK shows the fake blood of the Yankee and Japanese Imperialists and it is a blood that will never stain the aggressors shirt not once in a war. The Peoples of the DPRK will never draw the blood, only their arms against the aggressors. The Yankees are not armed with the blood therefore they cannot fight only with the water of the blood.

That blood is red but the People's of the DPRK have read the blood of the Imperialists and it is a book men should put down.


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